dimecres, 20 de febrer del 2008

Country: Africa

Africa is the most populated continent, after Asia. It covers 22% of the earth’s territory with more than 900 million people and the continent is organized by 53 countries. The English language is only talked in some of these 53 countries: Nigeria, Liberia, Kenia, Zambia, Zimbabwe, etc.

The dense forests and equatorial jungle are the regions that receive more rainfalls and the ‘rain station’ is 8 months long. The higher tree reaches 50 meters and the climate was desert but humid.

Africa has lots of tribes, social and ethnic groups. Some of them are represented by huge groups of people, all of these cultures are different, and for this reason Africa has a lot of variety cultural.
For example, I would like to tell you a curiosity about “the tribe of the himba”. The people of this tribe spread their body with a mixture of ochre, butter and herbs that gives in their own skin a characteristic reddish colour.
Music: The African music is different in the north than in the south but all of them share the same instruments: drums, bells, lutes, flutes and trumpets. The most used and popular instrument are the drums or also called “djembe”. Music is so important in this country because the African people believe in gods and sometimes sing, play and dance for them.

The relationship between Africa and poverty: When we hear the noun ‘Africa’, we immediately think about poverty. Is it true? Of course, because unluckily more than 218 million people live in extreme poverty in Africa, a million of children die every day because they don’t have food; hygiene and they cannot earn one's living. Unfortunately, some people said: to have reached countries, it’s necessary to have poor countries.


I guys, teachers and all the people! I'm Gemma Gasull and this is my blog;)
I think that with the participation of all the pupils, we can pass a good and funny moments while we can read a lot of experiences and the others things in english.


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English in Britain - students.