dimarts, 19 de febrer del 2008


This week the teachers explain the operation of "treball de recerca".
We can observe the differents items and we can decide wich we like more or present another item and the teachers decide that this proposal it's good or not.
I choose: "El pensament de Dalí". I think that's an interesting theme for work, read and sreach information. So...I hope have very willpower for begin the TDR during the summer! ^^'


I guys, teachers and all the people! I'm Gemma Gasull and this is my blog;)
I think that with the participation of all the pupils, we can pass a good and funny moments while we can read a lot of experiences and the others things in english.


Do you like this project (blog) ?

Do you will begin a degree next year?

Are you addicted to the internet?

Do you think that the English is the language of the future?

English in Britain - students.