diumenge, 16 de març del 2008


Yesterday we celebrated one dinner with the class of first
Batxillerat B. It was a good dinner in a Chinese restaurant
of Empuriabrava.
The boys (with Marc Barneda too) made sillies things
all the time (it's evidently) But well...we laugh every moment
ad all the night. After, we went to Fata (a discotheque) and
we saw the other class of BATX and other people/friends!

It was a good night…=)

dilluns, 10 de març del 2008

Stretchiest Skin

Today, while I was ate, I saw in the TV one program of the guinness world records. One boy who's name is: Garry Turner. He stretched the skin of his stomach to a distended very length.

Garry has a rare medical condition called Elhers-Danlos Syndrome, a disorder of the connective tissues affecting the skin, ligaments and internal organs. With this condition, the collagen that strengthens the skin and determines its elasticity becomes defective, resulting in, among other things, a loosening of the skin, and "hypermobility" of the joints. In more serious cases, it can cause the fatal collapse or rupturing of blood vessels.
I think that's very amazing and Unbelievable! You only need look this picture!
It's extraordinary! :)

divendres, 7 de març del 2008


A election is one process used in the modern democracies that the people vote for they candidates favourites to represent in the government. It's necessary to have the most of age (in this country 18).
Well, today 9 of march, for everybody who have more of 18 years...it's you time for vote!

(I think that in my future my vote will be white..)

THE KENGURU, a car for a physically handicapped person!

Hi people! I would talk about the "The kenguru", designed in Hungría for the people obliged to use wheelchair. this car don't have any seat, so the person whose introduce with his wheelchair into the car by the door of behind make a good position for drive. All the controls are around of one handle central for facilitate this mecanism. It's a work that be worth the trouble, of course.


I guys, teachers and all the people! I'm Gemma Gasull and this is my blog;)
I think that with the participation of all the pupils, we can pass a good and funny moments while we can read a lot of experiences and the others things in english.


Do you like this project (blog) ?

Do you will begin a degree next year?

Are you addicted to the internet?

Do you think that the English is the language of the future?

English in Britain - students.