dijous, 29 de novembre del 2007


Hellooo guys!
Today I would talk about FITO & FITIPALDIS! Is a music group that I like so much, their lyrics and melody are genial (in my opinion) and the singer is a man very funny: is low, slim and bald, he wears a earring in the left tail and her nose is big and very ugly...but well, all the tings that he hasn't got for beauty, he has got for sing and for make this beautiful songs, furthermore...I like so much all the things that he has, the good and bad things, because are characteristics that it makes to be different!
This month I went in a concert of this group with Albert=)
So, I put one video for you!


I guys, teachers and all the people! I'm Gemma Gasull and this is my blog;)
I think that with the participation of all the pupils, we can pass a good and funny moments while we can read a lot of experiences and the others things in english.


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Do you will begin a degree next year?

Are you addicted to the internet?

Do you think that the English is the language of the future?

English in Britain - students.