dijous, 5 de març del 2009

Social Education

When I was little, I dreamed with my future work and I would be artist, but well... All the world change, we too, and our thoughts too, so now I would study Social Education.
Social Education is a degree that you can work for leave out people, children who have a bad behaviour, etc.
I really like it, I like the work with children and work for these motives (marginalized people, uncommunicative people or children who have a bad behaviour), so I think that’s a degree very satisfactory. I could work in a centre of students or similar, but well... time on time!


I guys, teachers and all the people! I'm Gemma Gasull and this is my blog;)
I think that with the participation of all the pupils, we can pass a good and funny moments while we can read a lot of experiences and the others things in english.


Do you like this project (blog) ?

Do you will begin a degree next year?

Are you addicted to the internet?

Do you think that the English is the language of the future?

English in Britain - students.