diumenge, 19 d’octubre del 2008


This summer I worked in a "children's school", one place situated in the primary school (here, in Castelló d'Empúries, in front of the institute). I was an instructor of childs that worked in P3 and P4, so, they have 3 and 4 years old. We (me and the others instructors) played all the days with all the childs. For example, we (me and 2 instructors more of P3 and P4) prepared games with water, with ballons of water, we made workshop with colour paints, necklaces of pieces of macaroni... And the childs had the smile in the face all the time, all the day, it was fantastic.

I had a child with the eyes blues, his name is Marc; Ainoa, one little girl very beautiful; Alex, one earthquake that was in love with spiderman; Jenny, a little blond girl very fine; Marcel, a piece of bread!; Max, in all innocence; Hugo, that was in love with his mum, etc.
And me? well...I'm in love with each and every one!

It was a good experience... It was brilliant.

1 comentari:

Anònim ha dit...

Gemma they are so nice *.*

poor childrens... you as a teacher! :O !
jaja it's a joke my darling.
good picture! ;)
I love you baby!


I guys, teachers and all the people! I'm Gemma Gasull and this is my blog;)
I think that with the participation of all the pupils, we can pass a good and funny moments while we can read a lot of experiences and the others things in english.


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