diumenge, 23 de novembre del 2008


Jorge Bucay was born in 1949, is a gestalt psychotherapist, psychodramatist and writer from Argentina. His books are very fantastics, have sold more than 2 million copies around the world and translated in more than seventeen languages.
He was born in
Buenos Aires to a modest family. He started working at thirteen years old. In his life, he has worked as a socks, books and sports clothing traveling salesman, insurance agent, cabdriver, clown, warehouseman, educator, actor, doctor on duty, host of children's parties, psychiatrist, group coordinator, radio collaborator, and television host. (In my opinion, It's incredible...)
In 1973, he graduated as a doctor from the
University of Buenos Aires, and specialized in mental illnesses at the Hospital of Buenos Aires.
He defines his job as professional helper. He divides his attention among conferences of therapeutic teaching, which have taken him around the world, and the writing of his books, which he says are therapeutic tools.

I have a lot of his books, and I think that's a real and effective remedy. (I don't have any mental problem, but I like the stories who write).

2 comentaris:

Anònim ha dit...

Oh, like cuenta conmigo, the book that I offer you!

Anònim ha dit...

Yes Gemma, I love his books, I have all of them. The best one is "Déjame que te cuente", the stories are so nice and they make you think about you real problems... He is fantastic!


I guys, teachers and all the people! I'm Gemma Gasull and this is my blog;)
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